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Member Profile: Victoria Doyle

Meet Victoria Doyle, 

Senior Marketing Specialist, Stantec


We periodically feature veteran and new PRSA San Francisco members and tell the story of their public relations career. If you would like to suggest a PRSA San Francisco member for a profile, please send an email to


Why did you join PRSA and what is one of your favorite benefits that the organization provides?

When I was a student at Florida A&M University, my friend suggested that I attend a PRSSA meeting with her and that day was the first time in a long time that I felt like I had found my tribe. Fast forward ten years when a new job opportunity brought me back to my hometown, I knew the best place for me to start reconnecting with San Francisco and the communications industry was through PRSA. Since joining, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed networking and meeting like-minded individuals at a variety of industry and office spaces, and of course attending educational panels, such as the one on CSR at the Oakland Zoo in October.


You have been in the communications industry for over the last 7 years.  Share a few ways it has changed over the years and where you see it going.

Technology - It’s the biggest disruptor and this is just the beginning! Another significant change that I’ve witnessed over the years is how large corporations prefer integrated communications teams. Before it was common for PR and Marketing teams to be segmented. Nowadays, it’s common practice for a company to have one MARCOM team with several professionals who wear many different hats performing marketing, graphic design, PR and internal/external communications initiatives collaboratively and interchangeably.


Tell us about one of your most memorable experiences during your career.

Like most of us, I loved my company, but I needed a change! The day to day work of marketing proposals and content management can be taxing and I wanted to do something that would breathe new life not only into my office, but also into me. Growing up my mother always taught me that “No one is responsible for your happiness and your success but you,” so I took a leap of faith and started implementing initiatives to feed the homeless within our surrounding community and this past summer we were able to feed over 500 people. Recently, I asked Stantec’s regional management team if in addition to my senior marketing responsibilities, I could take on internal and external community engagement for the San Francisco office, and you know what? They said yes! This is something that is both new for me and it’s completely out of my comfort zone, but I’m excited! 

I never thought to just ask for what I wanted, and really never thought that my employer would not only agree, but also put me in a position with resources to succeed. Not only will this be a memorable time in my career because it’s a turning point in my professional life, but it has also taught me a very valuable lesson: Whether it’s in your job or within your community, be the change you want to see.


What’s your best advice to the new generation of communications professionals?

  1. Throughout your career, your mentors and professional relationships will come from various industries - be open-minded and take these opportunities to learn from them. Make a serious effort to cultivate these relationships, show up for your peers, and never burn bridges.
  2. Put 100% into everything you do. Even when you think people aren’t watching or paying attention to you, they are, and all your hard work will pay off. Trust me.