Up Your Game, Open Doors: Earn Your APR
“I get a gut check every week and am pulled outside of my silo.”
“This really brings meaning to my work."
“I’m really learning now how to be successful!”
Real quotes. Real PRSA members. This is what PRSA-SF members are saying about the APR prep program they’re participating in this spring! It’s a valuable experience that they will tell you is changing their lives.
What is the APR? It is the widely recognized and respected public relations accreditation credential, and we celebrate it every April during APR Awareness Month.
Up Your Game, Open Doors
Earning this designation – with a study program, a panel presentation and a written exam – is an experience that ups your game and opens the door to thinking and working in a completely new and enhanced way: as a seasoned and executive-level professional.
During the study period – which is several months long, you will learn how to be and stay forward-thinking, relevant, resourceful and inspired.
Think, Work Like the Senior PR Pro You Are
You will think like the senior PR professional that you are and learn how to use a powerful senior solutions-oriented skillset you can’t get anywhere else.
Through the APR program, you will discuss and apply executive and business concepts that you can put to work the next day. You will learn how to put research, planning, and evaluation to work for you and your organization. And you will learn the business-based processes that result in excellent and successful public relations projects.
The Time is Now - Process is Ready for You to Begin!
If you have five years of experience in public relations, you are eligible to earn the APR with a short application to begin the program. Once you begin, you have access to major resources and study materials, a strong mentoring and coaching program and the opportunity to learn from senior professionals who have earned their APR.
APR Co-chairs Kate Farrell Bair and Michele Horaney can tell you more and welcome your email or phone call.
Interested in Hearing More? Join Us for the Upcoming Jump Start Workshop!
Plans are now being made to hold a one-day Jump Start introduction program in June. During this workshop, you will learn more about the APR and meet others who want to also sharpen their skills and earn this vital credential.
If you are interested, please contact Kate at 415.515.6262 (ktfbair@gmail.com) and Michele at 510.330.9640 (michele.horaney@gmail.com) so we can send you an invitation to the workshop with time, date and place. We look forward to seeing you there!