Tuesday, August 27, 2013
5:30 p.m.: Reception and Networking
6-7:30 p.m.: Program and Q&A
Are you a non-profit? A company that wants to do good in the world? One of the best ways to make a difference and expand your reach is by engaging and collaborating with your stakeholders. But disruptive technologies have changed how we work with journalists and engage stakeholders. While online campaigns are one way to expand our reach, they work best when part of well-planned strategies that include outlets for increasing visibility, funds and thought leadership for your organization and your cause.
Lisa Fasano, Communications Director with Bay Area Air Quality Management District, Lesley Mansford, Executive Director of Razoo, and Lawrence Grodeska from, will share lessons learned and relatable anecdotes in a changing world on building partnerships, mobilizing people and raising dollars to make a difference. This will be a lively discussion moderated by Dan Cohen, head of FCP Communications.
Lisa Fasano
Lesley Mansford |
Lawrence Grodoska |
Dan Cohen |
Thank you to our event sponsor: