Q&A: What to expect at next week’s Diversity & Inclusion Speed Networking Mixer
March 22, 2019
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Bay Area Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) organizations are doing amazing work to support underrepresented groups in our community, and next Wednesday, March 27th, we’re giving professionals the chance to meet and mingle with over ten of the leading D&I non-profits in the area. The Diversity & Inclusion Speed Networking mixer we’re co-hosting with our friends at the American Marketing Association SF Chapter will be a fun and informative evening, and we spoke with one of the event organizers, Brad Dressler of the AMA, to find out what awaits attendees:
What is the biggest drive for professionals to attend the Diversity & Inclusion Speed Networking event?
If you are a professional in the SF Bay Area who cares about diversity and inclusion, then come and meet like-minded people. You will get to meet a dozen non-profits that are focused on diversity and inclusion. You may benefit from the services and programs these organizations offer. Come and support these groups and all the amazing work they do for the area and beyond!
The speed networking concept is fun – why did you choose that format for the event?
Each attendee will be given a passport to “visit” the non-profit tables, speed-networking style. This means you get to meet a bunch of interesting people in a short amount of time. We will be encouraging people to get all the non-profit stamps in their passports, which you can use to enter to win the door prizes that we will give away at the end of the event.
Which D&I non-profits can attendees get excited about speaking with?
We have these great non-profits confirmed: StartOut, Narika, ALPFA, Chinese Culture Foundation of San Francisco, mBolden, About-Face, MaxSF, Dress for Success, Youth SF, and Hack the Hood. Plus, of course, representatives from AMA SF and PRSA SF Bay Area will be in attendance, as the event organizers.
What diversity and inclusion changes are underway in the PR and marketing professions?
I believe most marketing and PR professionals understand that having real diversity and inclusion is essential for all types of companies. Having an inclusive company provides authentic representation, as well as increasing innovation and providing a variety of perspectives for projects. Also, since we are promoting companies and products to diverse audiences, we need to have the internal representation to ensure they can be as relatable as possible to people of all backgrounds.
How do events like the Diversity & Inclusion Speed Networking help to shine a spotlight on the work of Bay Area D&I organizations?
We want to highlight all of the hard work these non-profits do for women, people of color, LGBTQ, and other underrepresented groups. It's important for us to provide this platform and encourage others to get involved and do more to further diversity and inclusion initiatives.
These are the last days to get your tickets and we’re offering a 50% off promo code (DIV50), so don’t miss out! To get all the details and RSVP for the Diversity & Inclusion Speed Networking mixer, click this link.
Email info@prsasf.org, or Tweet us at @PRSASF for any questions.
Rebecca Pocock
2019 PRSA SF Bay Area Diversity & Inclusion Committee Member